Patient Participation Group


Welcome to the Stamford Surgery PPG

  • To act as a liaison between patients, doctors, staff and other health-related organisations
  • to encourage self help
  • to promote patients' needs and interests
  • to support the Practice.

Stamford Surgery PPG is an independent group of volunteers who are all patients.

Stamford Surgery PPG will hope to achieve and expand on those activities to better support the Surgery in the future.

We are currently recruiting for new members, if you would like to be a member please get in touch using our secure online form and you will receive a response as soon as possible.

PPG Group Members

Stamford Surgery PPG is chaired by John Morphy-Godber and the team meets every two months. The group liaises regularly with practice managers in order to raise and understand any issues on behalf of patients.


PPG Committee Members

  • John Morphy Godber (Chair)
  • Elaine Hooper
  • Paddy Jelen
  • Judith Juniper
  • Allison Mann
  • Paul Matthews
  • Marion Pitt

Terms of Reference

1. Definitions

  • Lakeside Healthcare Stamford GP Practice: Referred to as the Practice
  • Patient(s): Patient(s) registered with Lakeside Healthcare Stamford
  • PPG: Patient Participation Group – a management committee comprising some of the Patients.
  • The terms PPG, management committee, and committee all mean the PPG.
  • Annual General Meeting (AGM): An annual meeting of the Patients and the Practice

2. Background
The PPG has been set up as a result of the requirements for patient participation as set out in the NHS England Standard General Medical Services Contract.

An extract from Section 5.2 is shown in Appendix 1. The primary role of the PPG is to follow the general principles set out in Section 5.2 of the contract.

 3. Aims of the PPG

  • To work with the Practice to provide practical support, to obtain and provide feedback from Patients to the Practice and to provide strategic input and advice.
  • To encourage cooperation between the Practice and Patients.
  • To facilitate regular meetings between Patients and the PPG, where the Practice can be invited, providing feedback to the Practice.

4. Purpose of the PPG

  • To give the Practice and Patients the opportunity to discuss topics of mutual interest in their Practice.
  • A forum for Patients and the Practice to improve and develop services within the Practice by co-production.
  • To provide an opportunity for Patients to make positive and constructive suggestions/ideas about the Practice and specific medical conditions.
  • To encourage health education activities within the Practice.
  • To strive to engage all Patients.
  • To involve patient participation in future commissioning of Health Provision.
  • To ensure Patients know how to contact the PPG by e-mail.

5. What the PPG does

  • The PPG is both a communication channel between the Practice and the Patients and a practical group of hands-on volunteers to bring about continuous improvement. Ensuring Patients are aware of how to contact the PPG via e-mail and forward e-mails to the PPG.
  • The PPG facilitates effective relationships between the Practice and Patients by communicating patient experience, feedback and suggestions for improvements. It also validates initiatives from the Practice around proposed procedures and new developments.
  • The PPG works collaboratively and positively with the Practice to actively improve services and facilities for Patients and to act as a sounding board for the Practice on issues affecting Patients.
  • The PPG builds two-way communication and co-operation between the Practice and Patients, other individuals and organisations in healthcare, and the wider community.
  • The PPG acts as a representative group to support the Practice and influence local provision of health and social care.
  • The PPG works with the Practice, in accordance with clauses 5.2.4 and 5.2.5 of the Standard General Medical Services Contract (2019) to ensure reasonable efforts are made to implement improvements which have been agreed between the Practice and the PPG.

6. Online Members Group

  • The PPG may set up and operate an Online Members Group. Patients who would be interested in participating may register their interest and email address via the Practice.
  • The Online Members may be contacted by the PPG periodically to disseminate news items, and to be asked to respond to questions or surveys in order to obtain views on specific matters.

7. PPG Structure and Membership

  • The PPG shall normally not exceed 15 members. The PPG shall appoint individual members when needed, always ensuring that the PPG is as representative of the Patient community as is practicable.
  • Any adult Patient, aged 18 or over, may apply to join the PPG and will become eligible to join as and when vacancies occur, or they may nominate themselves (or are nominated) at each AGM. Removal of a Patient from the Patient list means that he/she ceases to be a member of the PPG.
  • The carer of a Patient is eligible to be a member of the PPG even if the carer is not a patient at the Practice.
  • The PPG will normally meet at least quarterly. In the absence of any apologies or available explanation, any member not attending three consecutive quarterly meetings will be deemed to have retired from the PPG. Meetings are subject to a quorum of one more than half of the members of the PPG. The PPG will extend an invitation to the Practice to attend its meetings. The PPG will also extend an invitation to Patients and carers to attend meetings quarterly to give Patients sufficient opportunity to express issues and concerns with the Practice [and to benefit from presentations given by clinic and wellbeing experts].
  • Minutes of meetings of the PPG will normally be circulated, once accepted as a true record, to the PPG members, the Online Members Group, the Practice website and displayed at the Practice surgeries. Confidential information shall be omitted from the minutes.
  • Members of the PPG shall respect the confidentiality of any information provided that is not in the public domain.
  • Members of the PPG must not use the PPG as a forum for pursuing individual personal complaints or agendas. Members of the PPG must not breach patient confidentiality which is of the utmost importance. Members of the PPG must treat everyone on the PPG fairly, equally and with respect.

8. Annual General Meeting and PPG Officers

  • The Chair of the PPG shall convene the Annual General Meeting of the Patients which shall be open to all Patients and carers. The AGM will be held each year, normally in January, at which PPG members and officers may be elected by the Patients attending the. The date, venue and time shall be published at least one month prior to the meeting by means of a notice in the local media, in the surgery waiting rooms by text message, sent from the practice and on the Practice website.  Agenda, previous AGM minutes and any other documents required for the AGM will be available on the Practice website for Patients to access and/or download prior to the AGM, to allow appropriate time for reading and compiling any requested additions, amendments or nominations.
  • Officers of the PPG may include Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary, and if needed, an Education Lead and a Treasurer. Other posts may be created at the AGM on a proposal from the PPG.
  • All PPG member and officer posts will be up for nominations and election at each AGM and the maximum terms for officers will be three years.
  • Nominations for Officer posts which are vacant or where the Officer is no longer eligible for re-election shall be made and seconded in writing to the Chair or Secretary not less than 14 days before the AGM. Members and officers will be elected by an open vote at the AGM
  • Alterations to these Terms of Reference must be proposed in writing to the Chair or Secretary not less than 14 days before the AGM and must be approved at the AGM. You may contact the PPG Chair or Secretary using our secure online form

National Association for Patient Participation

The national body giving guidance and support to local PPGs.

Committee Meeting Minutes

If you require a copy of older meeting minutes please contact us via our secure online form

PPG: AGM Meeting Agenda

Our next AGM (all welcome) will be held in January 2025. The date will be published later.

PPG Contact

We now have an email group which you can join to hear from us and make comments on the services our surgery offers. We won't drown you in emails but will try to keep you up to date with news relevant to health in Stamford. To get email updates please contact the patient group using this form below.

Contact the PPG