Rose Bell


Rose is one of our Long-Term Conditions Nurses

Nurse Rose Bell recently joined our Stamford team as a Long Term Conditions Nurse, helping people with diabetes, asthma and other issues.

After doing her first degree in criminology and sociology she moved to roles in the care sector, including learning disability support worker and care company coordinator.

In 2017 after working in the NHS, she did her second degree in nursing and qualified just as Covid started.

Although relatively new to the profession she has found her niche as a practice nurse. Having a long-term condition herself she brings empathy and understanding to those people who live with and manage conditions including diabetes, asthma and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease.


She said: ‘I qualified right at the start of the pandemic and was originally a theatre scrub nurse then worked in a private hospital in Kent, before moving back to Lincolnshire where I come from.

I then worked in a neighbourhood team, but being a practice nurse is what I want to do and I work very closely with my colleague Cathy, who is also a long term conditions nurse. 

‘I have personal experience of a long term condition and so can advise patients with the same thing as there is nothing worse than going to a health care professional who doesn’t fully understand what you might be going through. You get to know your patients, build up a rapport over time and feel you are making a positive impact.

‘I am a people person, like studying and never suggest that people to do things I would never do myself, so it is about monitoring and moderation. I am a very curious person and having that professional curiosity keeps me really interested and with such a large patient population it is a very busy role. I have found my niche in nursing as I get to meet a lot of people and be a part of some really great teams.’

Published: Feb 20, 2025