Contact Us Online


What is Anima?

If your condition is non-urgent, you can get in touch with us using our online consultation platform called Anima.

Anima is open from 6pm on Sunday evening, to 12pm on Friday afternoon.

  • We do have a daily limit on the number of clinical and administrative cases that can be submitted.
  • This is to ensure that we have safe capacity to deal with each case received.
  • When capacity allows the platform is open in the evenings and overnight so that, where possible, patients can submit a case outside of working hours.

Use Anima

Anima seamlessly and confidentially integrates with your medical record bringing improvements to how you access care and appointments and how our staff assess your condition. While you are still able to call the surgery, the online triage form through Anima will ask you the same questions, streamlining the process. This is another option for our patients to use to contact us about a medical problem, admin request or ask a simple question.

anima on a mobile phone

Register for an Anima account

Sign in to your Anima account

Anima Help & Support